Agent Forms Blog
June is National Annuity Awareness Month.

Achieving retirement income goals

Retirement income planning can start at any time, but it’s especially important during the month of June for National Annuity Awareness Month. Clients have many different goals they want to achieve during their retirement, and they don’t want them to be caught off guard by any unforeseen expenses.  

People are expecting to live longer during the retirement phase of their lives, and they want a well-rounded nest egg that will stand the test of time. Help strengthen and diversify your clients’ retirement portfolios with the addition of a fixed index annuity. There are many advantages and benefits, including growth potential, principal protection from index volatility, tax-deferral and income that cannot be outlived. 

Below, we show top retirement goals for pre-retirees and provide resources on how a fixed index annuity may help achieve them.¹
Top Retirement Goals²
icon - wallet
Lifetime Income
icon - stability
Income Stability
icon - shield
Principal Protection
Annuity awareness resources for you and your clients
Conversation Cues: What to listen for when helping your clients:  Retirement planning is personal. Use these conversation cues when talking retirement with your clients and how to build that important rapport. 
Check it out
Identifying Retirement Income Gaps: Utilize this resource tool with your clients to help them figure out the income needed for their retirement portfolio, and how a fixed index annuity is one option that could help them fill in monthly income gaps. 
Find out more
What is your client’s risk tolerance?: Your client’s financial risk tolerance will likely change as they age. Whether they have a conservative or aggressive strategy, this online tool can help you assess their risk tolerance and provide more insight into the benefits of a fixed index annuity.
Learn more
1 Annuity products offered by American Equity. Other retirement options may support similar goals.
2 IALC, Retirement Readiness 2018
American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company® does not offer legal, investment, or tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional.